Summer Maintenance at Cote Brillante Youth Garden

Cote Brillante School Garden is located in North Saint Louis, the part of the town where most folks ‘south’ of Delmar choose not to go. A year and a half ago, I decided to challenge myself and started looking after this school garden. It has been a meaningful and also a very safe experience for my three young children and me. This spring a second grade and after school garden club did a lot of planting at the garden and loved every minute of it. We are asking for your help this summer to keep this garden alive by watering and weeding. The food grown here is donated to the neighborhood families and the neighborhood food pantry over the summer.
This garden is also on the Gateway Greening’s Youth Garden Tour this spring. Here is a link to sign up for the tour. This would be a great way to check out the garden. If you are interested please contact me and I would love nothing more than to show you around this garden.
If you would like to help with Cote Brillante Garden this summer, click here to sign up.