Summer Media Camp – PhotoVoice

PhotoVoice: Telling the Story of Camp with the Click of a Shutter



Can one picture really speak a thousand words? At Gateway Greening’s Garden Media Camp, students set out to find the answer. Campers learned that an important part of photojournalism is to show viewers a new perspective on the world. They took this lesson to heart, snapping shots everywhere from the top of a staircase to a few inches above the ground in order to show everyday life in the garden from a different angle. If there was a great picture to be snapped, our campers were on the trail!





Once the campers had practiced operating the cameras and taking photos from interesting angles, discussion shifted to the qualities of a stunning photo. What makes a particular photo stand out as excellent? Campers learned several key ideas to keep in mind as they tried their hands at photojournalism. First of all, photojournalists must have an eye for impact. Campers shared their ideas about what impact means and how a photo can have impact. Some campers felt that beautiful photos have great potential to impact viewers. This camper’s photo is an excellent example of using beauty in nature to impact others:



Another way campers learned to take photos for impact is to capture action. Action shots frame movement and feeling in a way that leaves the viewer feeling as though the photo has told them a story. Our brave campers looked high and low at Bell Garden for opportunities to catch activities and camp projects in action. Their determination to tell stories with photos led them to take shots like this one:



Over the course of Gateway Greening’s Garden Media Camp, students took hundreds and hundreds of photos. With the help of our journalism experts, Miss Katie and Miss Jeannette, campers each chose their best photo from camp to go in a special exhibit at the Missouri Botanical Garden titled “PhotoVoice”. Before we sent campers’ photos to their final destination at the Botanical Garden, we held an end-of-camp reception at the St. Louis Contemporary Art Museum to celebrate everyone’s hard work, snack on some healthy treats from the garden, and view all the amazing photos on display. If you haven’t yet been able to see these budding photojournalists’ work, you can still visit the Gateway Greening Garden Media Camp exhibit at the Missouri Botanical Garden from now through the end of the month (July 31st). Gateway Greening is lucky to have been able to spend two weeks with such wonderful campers, and we are proud to share your photos with the St. Louis community!