Gateway Greening Garden Class Volunteer: Information & Guidelines

Gateway Greening Garden Class Volunteer

Information & Guidelines

Garden Class Program

What is Gateway Greening’s Garden Class?

Garden Class is an effort started in 2013 by Gateway Greening and SLPS to get students learning outdoors for an hour every week. Each participating school gets a dedicated Gateway Greening educator, who teaches garden-based science and other subjects. Classes have set times every week for the whole year—for example, 2nd grade comes out to the garden every Wednesday at 2pm.

What are the benefits of Garden Class for students?

  • Hands-on instruction in core curriculum helps students to better retain classroom teaching
  • Increases student willingness to try fresh vegetables & fruits
  • Gives students a sense of responsibility and care over other living things
  • Cultivates students’ social and emotional skills, through sharing tools, cooperating on tasks, taking turns, and learning to express disagreement respectfully
  • Introduces students to the joy of growing and eating healthy food!

How do we utilize volunteers?

Volunteers are critical to the success of our Garden Class programming. They help to provide the individual and small-group learning opportunities that appear in the garden, and assist with classroom management. They also bring their own unique skills—if a volunteer is an artist, a musician, or knows a lot about birds, for example, we love working to incorporate those strengths into our garden classes.

  • We prefer that volunteers commit to consistently volunteering with the same classes for at least an entire season (Fall or Spring). For example, you could volunteer with 2nd grade at 2pm every Wednesday from August-October. Some volunteers choose to assist the Gateway Greening educator for an entire teaching day every week—from about 10am to 3pm. However, we are flexible.
  • To get more information on class schedules, and to set up a time to volunteer, contact us!
    • Carolyn Cosgrove Payne – (763) 227-1450 (Clay Elementary)
    • Punita Patel – (314) 560-8823 (Mallinckrodt & Cote Brilliante Elementary)
  • If you are unable to make it, please make sure to call and cancel
  • If you ‘no-call, no-show’ 2 times, you will no longer be eligible to volunteer with school gardens.

Ready to get started? Attend the youth volunteer orientation on November 11th from 12pm-1:30pm at Gateway Greening’s Main office. 2211 Washington Avenue, 63103.

What Makes a School Garden Successful?


Why are school gardens good? One can wake up everyday with a new reason for why they are an invaluable school and community resource. Even then, through the summer, most school garden go fallow. Do you wonder what you could do for your school garden?

Mallinckrodt School Garden is a good place to turn to see what works and how they do it. The last four years, parents have used Signup Genius to divide up the work of weeding, watering and other garden maintenance issues. Parents are encouraged to come and harvest the produce even if they are not helping with garden maintenance. Last year they had a free yoga class in the evenings for school families and also invited people from the community. This year they have a Farmers’ Market that students set up across the street at Gathesemane Lutheran Church on Sunday mornings. Students who are able to participate learn how to make change, how to set prices, if and when to lower the prices and how to make the customer’s experience meaningful. The money they raise goes to buying the garden journals that a few teachers are using as a tool for outdoor education.

Mallinckrodt School has also developed partnerships with area universities to use the garden as a platform for student teaching and learning. Fontbonne University’s dieteticts students help with the farmers market during the summer and bring nutritional classes to the students during school year. SLU biology students come with Dr. Gerardo Camillo to study native bees in the garden. This team’s excitement and enthusiasm around bees rubs off like pollen on to the school community. Students and teachers always end up learning the most fascinating things about the bees from them. Gateway Greening is another community partner of the school garden. We focus on doing year round education around the garden and work with teachers to provide needed support. Dig It crew – High school Youth Employment Program of Gateway Greening- helped with a lot of weeding and maintenance to keep the garden looking great this summer.
IMG_7999 IMG_8721 IMG_8728 IMG_8767Key to Mallinckrodt Garden’s success is the fact that people have many reasons to come to the garden for a meaningful experience. What can you add to your garden to make it a meaningful place?



Cotton’s Greening

IMG_20150722_081223Playing a particularly athletic morning game.

My name is Myra and I’m a recent graduate from Career Academy High School. I’m a crew member of Gateway Greening’s Dig It STL program, which is an eight week youth employment program that educates and strengthens teens while beautifying the community through urban agriculture. At Dig It we lead and assist volunteer groups and tours and learn hands on basic agriculture and construction skills to help the gardens that Gateway Greening supports. We also take field trips to other gardens and farms. The best part of all? We cook with Chefs using the food we harvest from Bell Garden. Throughout the program, I have learned, grown and networked with plants, animals and people in my community. Im honestly considering to further my education in urban farming because of my wonderful experience at Gateway Greening. Maybe one day I will own an organic farm and name it “Cotton’s Greening”.


Eating guest chef tacos (Myra on the left).


Thom leading a field trip group at the compost station.


Michael leading a field trip group in harvesting herbs.

Time Flies

How can it already be the last week of Dig It?! We had a great field trip to Earthdance Farms with a whole bunch of different teen farm groups last Wednesday. IMG_20150715_115719

We harvested cherry tomatoes, husk cherries, and tomatillos– summer weather is here at last! It was Emmanuel’s first time tasting a cherry tomato:IMG_20150715_100342
We also worked in Clay Elementary’s garden, and did a Medicinal Herbs workshop. We made an all-purpose rosemary olive oil balm and learned about herbs that can help with bites and burns, as well as cold and flu.
On Friday, we spend the whole day preparing for our end-of-summer Family Night. We cooked an enormous meal with 3 different chefs– roast chicken with bacon, corn, and mashed potatoes, kale salad, squash and onions, and peach pie. We made flower bouquets and practiced speeches. Despite the sticky, hot weather, we had a great turnout and everyone enjoyed themselves.IMG_20150717_181736
It’s been a transformational summer. One of the great parts about this program is that we use a tool called Straight Talk, which creates space for honest dialogue between crew members and staff about what we’re doing well and how we could grow. This creates confidence– crew know exactly what they already rock at– and it gives us all an opportunity to work on our challenges. Everyone has challenges. What matters most is that we’re open about them and willing to work to improve them. Our crew has become more mature, more hardworking, more confident, and more collaborative in just 8 weeks. I’m so excited to imagine the possibilities for Dig It in the future.

Get Up, Get Out, Get Growing: Gateway Greening’s (Lucky) Summer Intern’s First Days

Hello! Allow me to introduce myself – I’m Hayden Andrews. I graduated from Webster University this past May, with a degree in Media Communications and Photography. I’ll be Gateway’s Communications Intern – about which I am thrilled – from now until mid-August. Catch me on the blog a few times a month, or out and about at various gardens – I’ll be the one with the camera.


My first few days with G.G. have been filled with (literal) warmth and inspiration. Last week, I was introduced to the staff both at the office and around town. I visited Bell Garden, City Seeds Urban Farm, and the Carriage House – I was on quite the mission – tagging along on a Saturday morning garden tour, hosted by Gateway’s Hannah. What tranquil places to be! Being outside on June morning and loving what you do, with people who love what they do…talk about endorphins!

Being a part of Gateway, I have sorted Swiss chard with prison rehabilitation program members, interviewed high school students who think planting peas is a fulfilling way to spend a Saturday, stopped by gardens in parts of the city I had never heard of, picked cucumbers with a 6 year-old, and taken home bushels (bushels!) of fresh veggies. Gateway Greening is literally making me a better person from the inside out, and it’s only week two!

I can’t wait to see what’s in store this summer. Besides kale, of course.

Thanks for reading.

– H

Dig It – Diamond Tyler


Hello. My name is Diamond Tyler. I am 17 years old and I will be a senior this coming August at Clyde C. Miller Career Academy. My favorite vegetable is broccoli. To be completely honest I am a contradiction to myself. I like to be safe but I always take risks, but that’s a different story. Let me tell you about this week’s journey.

On Wednesday, the Dig It crew and myself worked with Dean, who helps us with construction, on making compost bins. While working with Dean we use tools like drills, handsaws, clamps, tape measurers, and a whole bunch of wood and screws. The first time construction was brought to us this summer I honestly thought that I was going to hate it, but it turned out to be not so bad. It’s a great stress reliever. After all the hard work was done, we ate food that was prepared by two chefs and three Dig It crew members. We ate pork tenderloin, garlic mash potatoes, collard greens with chopped up bacon, onions, squash, and a lemon tart pastry for dessert. This was one of the best meals so far. When I ate this meal, it felt like home. Even though I didn’t eat the onions and squash because I’m not a fan of those vegetables, I know they had to be tasty

ChristineOn Thursday, the Dig It crew split off into groups. I was in the red group this week, along with Myra, Emmanuel, and Michael. We were working with young girls that are in an organization called “Girls Inc.” We helped them weed their raised beds, play games, and read books. Many of them said they would like to be farmers after that experience. After, we went to Crown Center, which is a Senior Living building. This time we didn’t work with Happy Planters, a group of seniors who help with the raised beds. While we were there, we harvested carrots, basil, lemon basil, collard greens, peppers, beets, and cabbage. There was so much cabbage and they were so big that the scissors broke. We were in so much shock, it was hilarious. After that, we distributed what we harvested into 12 bags for the Happy Planters. We gave the remaining produce to the café within their building. The lady we gave it to was so excited that we brought it to her, she lit up and that put a smile on my face. It was an amazing feeling.

This week so far has been amazing. It has been so helpful and beneficial in so many ways. I was able to relieve stress while gaining more knowledge and experience. Working with Dig It has been phenomenal and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

5 Vegetables You Can Eat Root to Stem

5 Vegetables You Can Eat Root To Stem

We toss away cabbage leaves, chop off turnip greens, and peel through potato skins. But many are unaware that when they do this, they are mindless throwing away tons of nutrients!

In some cases, the part we discard is even more nutritious than the part we include in our meal! Beet greens, for example, have more than 8 times the nutritional content of beet roots!

Here are 5 more vegetables you can eat root to stem and get the most nutritional bang for your buck!


You can enjoy both the crunchy root of a turnip along with its leafy greens! Like with beets, the greens of the turnip also contain far more vitamins and minerals that the root. You can also eat the greens of radishes like you would turnip!


There is no doubt that chard is known for its huge, leafy greens, but we shouldn’t forget about their beautiful stems. Chard stems can be chopped small and sauteed, providing a great crunch to offset the texture of wilted leaves.


Most of us are use to just eating the broccoli florets, but what you may not realize is stalk is edible too! The stalk can be shaved and added to any slaw.


It is hard to find a recipe that doesn’t instruct you to peel your potatoes first. But, this is where you find most of the plant’s fiber. So next time the direction calls for peeling your potato, be a rebel and let them show some skin.


It is hard to find a carrot that still has its greens attached! So it is no wonder why most people have never eaten them! But carrot tops can add great depth to dishes. Some people can be a bit sensitive to carrot greens, so test the waters by eating a small amount your first time.

Not only is eating the entire vegetable a huge boost of nutrition, it is also much more cost effective! And you are much more likely to find these veggies with all their parts intact through local farmers than you are at the supermarket.

So the next time you are cruising around the farmers market, think of those radishes and beets with their greens as an awesome 2-for-1 deal!

Check out these ideas for using your vegetables root-to-stem. And if you are interesting in learning more about eating root-to-stem, her is another great article!



Hannah Eddy is currently a dietetic intern through Fontbonne University, where she is also getting her Master’s in Multidisciplinary Health Communication Studies. When she isn’t running through Forest Park or chowing down at Food Truck Fridays, you can find her writing for her holistic health and nutrition blog, The Wholey Trinity.

Last week at Dig It

diamonde and tanisha leading a group


Last Wednesday we hosted 2 groups of volunteers at Bell Garden– one group from New Hope Presbyterian Church, and the other a group of teens from the Baden West Florissant Development Corporation. Dig It crew members Diamond and TaNisha gave great tours for those groups, and the rest of Dig It showed them how to use power tools to build compost bins. After that, we enjoyed a wonderful lunch from the garden. On Thursday, we worked at Clay Elementary pulling some nasty weeds, and in the afternoon we had a soils workshop. We sampled soil from around Bell Garden, did a ‘shake test’, and identified the different components in our soil. We did drainage tests for sand, clay, and organic matter, and learned why organic matter is so important! On Friday, we followed up this workshop by learning about the different plant families that garden vegetables and fruits belong to. Crew went through Bell Garden and labeled all the plants in the demo beds with their name and their plant family. Saturday we hosted a field trip with a Lincoln University after school program, another field trip at Mallinckrodt Elementary Garden, and did some maintenance tasks around Bell Garden.


tenisha showing volunteer how to use tools

This marked the official halfway point of Dig It! The summer is flying by. For the remaining month of the program, we are challenging our crew members to take the lead. Through our variety of daily tasks and team building activities, we have identified where our group works well together, and where we struggle. Now it’s up to the crew to turn the group’s challenges into our strengths.


Dig It, From the Eyes of Alexander

Hello my name is Alexander Harper I’m a 17 year old that attends Clyde C.Miller Career Academy. My school is a career and technical high school.This means we have career clusters such as Bio-Tech, Nursing, and Business Administration. Students are able to decide what we would like to study when we attend college.


In addition to programs like Future Business Leaders of America, National Honor Society, and Student Council, I love to garden at home. Once I heard about Dig-It I knew I would like to jump on board. One of my favorite things to grow is vegetables and being in this program has given me more insight about maintaing a vegetable garden. I am truly enjoying my time here so far.


This week with Dig-It has been awesome. Although, it has been raining cats and dogs, we have been steadfast with our duties. On Wednesday, all of the crew met in Bell Garden, stepping slowly on the soaked grass for our daily morning meeting. It had already rained nonstop for two days. I’m sure everyone was looking forward to a “laid-back week” but Kathleen quickly busted our bubble. She entered the circle with a grin on her face saying “I know you guys think we’re not doing much but we are sticking to the weeks schedule.” I quickly thought to myself “she must be crazy, we are going to be drowning in water!” By the look of others they were thinking the same exact thing. Kathleen continued with a smile saying “get those raincoats and ponchos ready!” It wasn’t two minutes after her saying this that it began raining, we had to run to quickly to the carriage house and of course received duties for the week.


Thursday June 18, 2015 was the best day I had with Dig-It. Blue group, consisting of four crew members and two crew leaders, set out on a trip to Crown Center to help assist with the senior’s garden and green house. What a day it was… We arrived around 9:30 a.m. and the weather appeared to clear as we began walking to the small garden, speckles of rain started to come down down. I said “Oh Lord!” Everyone bursted out laughing. Kathleen, who was one of crew leaders, said “Okay, we’ve got work to do.” She stated all the things we had to do, went in with our crew member Emmanuel and they began working inside with the seniors. Kortez, another crew leader, and Michael, a crew member, decided to stay outside and harvest the overgrown carrots, greens, and lettuce. Christine, a crew member, and I decided to clean and organize the greenhouse. We thought we were getting out of the rain but the house had leaks. Imagine walking and a big cold drop of water suddenly falling on your head!


After everything was harvested and distributed into bags we had to take fresh produce to the residents. Then we went back down to the floor to meet our peers and have a group discussion. In that group discussion, we all realized we like the independence Kathleen gave us, older people are fun to be around, and we should always push through things in order to get the job done. Next week I look forward to learning how to build things and more fun encounters.

Dig It STL Recap by Crew Leader Meg Holmes:

image-9 This week at Dig It, we’ve been focused on reaching out and building new skills. Wednesday was our first day of power tools training and construction! Youth got a great start building many of the parts we need for the raised beds we’ll be awarding to gardens in the fall. We were delighted to work with Chef Josh on Wednesday as well, making a delicious watermelon salad and potato bacon braise with tons of veggies from Bell Garden.image-7

Thursday we divided into two groups, learning about cover cropping at Clay Elementary and about composting at Cote Brilliante Elementary as we worked in their gardens, getting them in shape for Saturday’s garden tour. We got a ton of work done despite the sweltering heat. At one point we took a break in the shade to practice a tool called the Elevator Speech.
Friday we took our awesome ‘space van’ with the whole crew inside over to 3 Rivers Community Farm in Elsah, IL. It’s an amazing 300-member CSA farm run by Amy Cloud and Segue Lara (full disclosure, Carolyn used to work there before joining Gateway Greening!). We planted rows and rows of tomatoes and harvested peas, while learning about the huge differences between community gardening and farming for market.
Finally, on Saturday, the Dig It crew helped us host a Youth Garden Tour of 5 school gardens in North City. We had a wonderful time and got a lot of work done!