Garden Organizations
Local Organizations
Brightside St. Louis empowers St. Louisans to help make the region cleaner and greener through their demo garden, community education, and naturescaping services.
Earthdance Farm School is a nationally recognized farm school that promotes and educates on organic farming through their apprenticeships, youth programs, classes, and volunteer opportunities.
Forest ReLeaf is a nonprofit community-assisted tree nursery working to enrich communities and offer community outreach opportunities and educational classes.
Good Life Growing is an urban farming company used as a site for community service, experiential learning, and service-learning.
The Green Center offers hands-on outdoor lessons for students where they can investigate and explore the prairie, wetland, or forest, as well as professional development classes are available to educators.
Green City Coalition connects communities to nature by converting vacant lots into green spaces and works to improve neighborhood vitality & sustainability.
Litzsinger Road Ecology Center works with educators and students to promote science teaching and learning at their study center, classrooms, and research lab.
Maplewood-Richmond Heights’ Seed to Table promotes education, health, and wellness by connecting students to nature.
Missouri Botanical Garden offers various classes for adults on topics like gardening, green living, nature study, and outdoor adventures. The Education Division offers nature-based and science-driven programs for pre-K-12 students that include outreach programs, teacher professional development, online resources and service learning opportunities.
Operation Food Search provides evidence-based nutrition education to the local St. Louis area through their Nutrition Education Department.
St. Louis Master Gardener was established by MOBOT to provide local horticultural education and programs led by trained volunteers. They provide a list of online gardening resources on their site for the public:
St. Louis Beekeepers Association educates the public on beekeeping practices and promotes healthy natural systems where bees, pollinators and people can adapt and thrive.
Slow Food St. Louis promotes good, clean, fair food for all through public education and their Biodiversity Micro Grant program.
University of Missouri Extension uses research-based knowledge to address economic opportunity, educational excellence, and healthy futures in the state of Missouri.
Urban Harvest STL strives to make fresh, healthy food accessible to entire communities through their farms and various distribution channels, like the St. Louis Metro Market.
National Gardening Organizations
American Community Gardening Association is a nonprofit that builds community by improving and enhancing community gardens and greening in the U.S. and Canada.
National Agriculture in the Classroom provides support to state programs by giving teachers the knowledge, appreciation, and awareness to education and inform their students. (For school gardens)
Out Teach is a national teacher-development nonprofit working to promote experiential learning in outdoor classrooms through their professional trainings.