We hold three seedling sales throughout the year for Spring, Summer and Fall in addition to sales for things like potatoes, leeks, sweet potatoes, and garlic. These sales are open to the general public and will include Seed St. Louis seed packets of varieties we recommend for the area, and merchandise.
All of our plant sales are held outside behind our Carriage House building at 3815 Bell Avenue, St. Louis, MO 63108.* Cash, credit card, Google Pay and Apple Pay are accepted as payment.
2025 Sales
January 18: Seed Packet Sale (*Located at the Delmar Divine)
March 8: March Sale (Potatoes, Onions, Strawberries, Asparagus, etc.)
April 5: Spring Seedling Sale
May 10: Summer Seedling & Sweet Potato Slip Sale
August 16: Fall Seedling Sale
October 18: Garlic Sale
Order Information
Orders can be placed at any time through our online store! Order pickup days are 1-2 times a month at our Carriage House located at 3815 Bell Ave., St. Louis, MO 63108 unless otherwise noted.
2025 Order Pickup Days, (All are 9:00-11:00 am unless otherwise noted)
February: 2/15/25 during our Community Agriculture Conference, 9:30 am-3:45 pm, at the Delmar Divine, 5501 Delmar Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63112.
March: 3/8/25 during our March Sale, 3/15/25
April: 4/5/25 during our Spring Seedling Sale, 4/12/25
May: 5/10/25 during our Summer Seedling Sale, 5/17/25
June: 6/21/25
July: 7/26/25
August: 8/16/25 during our Fall Seedling Sale, 8/23/25
September: 9/27/25
October: 10/18/25 during our Garlic Sale, 10/25/25
March Sale: Potatoes, Onions, etc.
March 8, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Our annual March Sale has a variety of things for sale to plant early in the season. We will have seed potatoes, onion sets, leeks, mushroom spawn, bare-root asparagus plants, bare root strawberry plants, and water chestnuts.
This is a busy sale so we recommend arriving early! It is all first come, first serve.
Sale Location: Seed St. Louis Carriage House, 3815 Bell Ave., St. Louis, MO 63108
Potatoes, ‘Yukon Gold’, $1.50 per pound: These potatoes have a higher water content which makes them creamier. They also have a slight sweetness. Their higher moisture content makes them a great ingredient for longer cooked dishes like soups and stews. Planting Instructions
Potatoes, ‘Red Pontiac’, $1.50 per pound: Classic red-skinned potato that is great for roasting and salads. They also have a higher water content so tend to keep their shape when cooked. (Which is why they’re great for potato salad!) Planting Instructions
Potatoes, ‘Kennebec’: This white potato has a lower water content which makes them perfect for fluffy mashed potatoes and crispy fries. Planting Instructions
Yellow Onion Sets, 10 onions for $1.50: Can be harvested for green onions at any time or let them grow to full-bulb size. Yellow onions tend to have a fuller flavor than white. Planting Instructions
Red Onion Sets, 10 onions for $1.50: Have a sharper, or spicier, flavor when raw so are ideal for salads and salsas. Planting Instructions
Leeks ‘Lancelot’, 5 for $1.50 (bare root plant): This member of the onion family is great for soups, salads, and roasting. Lancelot is an open-pollinated variety that grows well in our area. Planting Instructions
Mushroom Spawn, Wine Cap, 1 pound for $7.00: Wine cap mushrooms are easy to grow since all you need is shade and wood mulch. They have a slight nutty flavor and are great for braising, sauteing, grilling, and pickling. 1 pound will cover 10 square feet. Planting Instructions
Strawberry ‘Evie 2’, 5 for $4.00 (bare root plant): This is an everbearing variety. This means it will produce smaller crops throughout the growing season instead of all at once like Jewel. Evie 2 produces large berries with excellent flavor. Planting Instructions
Strawberry ‘Jewel’, 5 for $4.00 (bare root plant): This variety is June-bearing which means it produces all of its strawberries at the same time in early June. Jewel also produces large berries with excellent flavor. Planting Instructions
Asparagus ‘Millennium’, 3 crowns for $4.00: This green asparagus is productive and has good flavor. This variety does well in a wide variety of soils including heavy soil. Typically, when planting asparagus you will receive a light harvest the second year and a larger harvest the third year. Planting Instructions
Water Chestnuts, 3 for $3.00: Water chestnuts are surprisingly easy to grow! You just need a container that holds water and full sun. (You will also need to start them inside in March since they do have a long growing season.) You can read up on exactly how to grow them, and how to get large yields, at our blog post. Planting Instructions