Get Up, Get Out, Get Growing: Gateway Greening’s (Lucky) Summer Intern’s First Days

Hello! Allow me to introduce myself – I’m Hayden Andrews. I graduated from Webster University this past May, with a degree in Media Communications and Photography. I’ll be Gateway’s Communications Intern – about which I am thrilled – from now until mid-August. Catch me on the blog a few times a month, or out and about at various gardens – I’ll be the one with the camera.



My first few days with G.G. have been filled with (literal) warmth and inspiration. Last week, I was introduced to the staff both at the office and around town. I visited Bell Garden, City Seeds Urban Farm, and the Carriage House – I was on quite the mission – tagging along on a Saturday morning garden tour, hosted by Gateway’s Hannah. What tranquil places to be! Being outside on June morning and loving what you do, with people who love what they do…talk about endorphins!

Being a part of Gateway, I have sorted Swiss chard with prison rehabilitation program members, interviewed high school students who think planting peas is a fulfilling way to spend a Saturday, stopped by gardens in parts of the city I had never heard of, picked cucumbers with a 6 year-old, and taken home bushels (bushels!) of fresh veggies. Gateway Greening is literally making me a better person from the inside out, and it’s only week two!

I can’t wait to see what’s in store this summer. Besides kale, of course.

Thanks for reading.

– H