On the Air at Garden Media Camp

As our campers honed their photography skills, working individually and in teams to tell the story of camp through visual media, the time came to expand their horizons even further. Campers began to explore a new way to tell a story: creating a camp podcast. This was a new experience for our campers, and they were eager to get started. Our magnificent media teachers, Miss Katie and Miss Jeannette from Show-Me Youth Media, engaged campers in a discussion about how good questions lead to great stories. What makes a good question, you ask? The campers would be glad to share!
Gateway Greening’s campers were ready to take on the podcast challenge! Armed with headsets, microphones, and recording devices, they set out to find out how members of our camp community felt about their experiences at Bell Garden. Using the open-ended, “who, what, when, where, why and how” questions they discussed with their media teachers, campers talked to peers, counselors, and guest instructors about Gateway Greening’s Garden Media Camp. Through the interviews led by inquisitive campers, others were able to share their favorite activities, interesting things they learned, and best memories from camp. The creative minds working on the camp podcast were on a mission to tell a truly great story!
Finally, with the help of our media staff, campers’ interviews were organized into their very own podcast. Not only did campers develop their technical skills through this project, but they also worked hard to listen empathetically and to make others’ voices in their community heard. Well done, campers. Gateway Greening is proud of you!
By: Ivy Love – Camp Counselor