Gateway Greening Announces Expansion of Florissant Community Garden in St. Louis, MO

St. Louis (22 Nov 2016) –Florissant Community Garden in Florissant, MO was expanded in Spring of 2016 as a result of an award from Gateway Greening. Six additional raised beds were installed and filled with soil. The garden also received an arbor and 1 watering hose. Florissant Community Garden has 26 gardeners from the community […]

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Gateway Greening Announces Expansion of House of Living Stone Community Garden

St. Louis (23 Nov 2016) – House of Living Stone Community Garden in Webster Groves, MO. was expanded on 17 September 2016 as a result of an award from Gateway Greening. One raised bed was installed and filled with soil. The award also included: replacement lumber for one 4’ x 12’ raised bed, 2 cubic […]

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Gateway Greening Announces Expansion of International Welcome School Garden

St. Louis (1 Dec 2016) – International Welcome School Garden at the Nahed Chapman New American Preparatory Academy in St. Louis, MO. was expanded on 19 Oct 2016 as a result of an award from Gateway Greening. Two raised beds were installed and filled with soil. Additional materials awarded included: 2 picnic tables, 2 wooden […]

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Gateway Greening Announces Expansion of Sun Patch School Garden

St. Louis (22 Nov 2016) –Sun Patch School Garden in St. Louis, MO was expanded in Spring of 2016 as a result of an award from Gateway Greening. 5 raised beds were installed and filled with soil. Compost was also awarded. Sun Patch School Garden has 17 adult gardeners and is maintained by the gardeners, […]

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This #GivingTuesday we’re raising $5,000 to support Dig It STL! (2)

“My name is Kierra Graves, and I am a member of the 2016 Dig It crew. I am a rising senior of MICDS. Before beginning the Dig It program I assumed that I would be planting flowers and digging up dirt around the city. I had been referred to this job by a co-worker’s family […]

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Top 10 Questions our Volunteer Team Hears!

Recently we sat down with our Volunteer Team to find out what questions they hear most often. From tabling in the community to working with volunteers in community gardens across St. Louis, these are the top 10 questions our volunteer team hears! Are you the same as Great Rivers Greenway? Don’t you do the trails? […]

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Gateway Greening Announces Expansion of Cabrini Greens School Garden

St. Louis (7 Dec 2016) –Cabrini Greens School Garden in St. Louis, MO was expanded in Spring of 2016 as a result of an award from Gateway Greening. Four wooden picnic tables were installed. An additional four wooden benches and one watering hose were awarded. Cabrini Greens has 9 adult gardeners from the community and […]

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Gateway Greening Announces the Expansion of Clarence Clovers Community Garden

St. Louis (22 Nov 2016) –Clarence Clovers Community Garden in St. Louis, MO was expanded on 8 Oct 2016 as a result of an award from Gateway Greening. Five raised beds were installed and filled with soil. The garden was also awarded 1 garden scale. Clarence Clovers Community Garden has 12 gardeners from the community […]

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Gateway Greening Announces Expansion of Columbia CEC Elementary School Garden in St. Louis, MO.

St. Louis 23 Nov 2016 –Columbia CEC Elementary School Garden in St. Louis, MO was expanded on 16 Nov 2016 as a result of an award from Gateway Greening. Items received included: One 3-bin composter, 1 compost bin sign, 1 garden scale, 12 hand tool sets, 3 shovels, 2 garden hoes, 2 hard rakes, 2 […]

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Meet the Wild West Community Garden

Wild West Community Garden – Growing Friendships, Educational Opportunities and Vegetables Since 2011 By Chrissie McConnell, Wild West Community Garden Leader, Advanced Master Gardener   There is no a better way to tell our story than to sit down with Jodi Smedley, the visionary and founder of our spectacular garden. I had the perfect opportunity […]

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