Seed to STEM Curriculum

Turn your school garden into a living laboratory with the Seed to STEM curriculum. The lessons emphasize exploration, inquiry, and discussion to access the scientific wonder of the garden. Students will reinforce Next Generation Science Standards and build a stronger connection to their community, environment, and food system.
Tips for Using Seed to STEM Lessons:
1. Lessons are organized by topic. Teach lessons individually or as a unit.
2. Most lessons are written for K-2nd grade or 3rd-5th grade, but can be adapted for other grades (including PreK).
3. Most lessons specify particular seasons and emphasize outdoor learning, but can be adapted for other times of the year or taught indoors.
4. Check out the topic introductions for extension activities and additional resources.
5. Add in garden tasks or routines like mindfulness to extend lessons.
6. Asterisked (*) lessons have a connected journal page.
Seed to STEM Curriculum
We welcome your feedback.
To send questions and comments about Seed to STEM or to learn more about Seed St. Louis’ classroom programming, contact the Director of Schools at [email protected] or 314.588.9600 x 114.

Want to Learn with Us?
Seed St. Louis hosts over 40 free virtual classes throughout the year. Our staff provides a wide variety of classes for all gardening enthusiasts.
Seed St. Louis Planting Calendar
Need some guidance planning your garden? Download a free copy of our Seed St. Louis Planting Calendar to feel confident when you plant and harvest your bounty!