Perennials in the Fall Garden

When it comes to gardening, it’s a well known fact that every gardener has their own way of doing things – and that’s okay! But it does mean that sometimes experienced gardeners send conflicting messages to newcomers about when, and how, to approach seasonal tasks in the garden. This October we’re looking at perennials in […]

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Top Ten Questions We Hear on the Gateway Greening Urban Farm

We love it when people ask us questions, even if they’re the same ones over and over again!  Today we’re counting down the top 10 questions we hear from people discovering the Gateway Greening Urban Farm (GGUF for short) for the first time. 1. What is this place?!  I drive by every day and I’ve […]

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2016 – Ten Years on the Farm

A look back at the founding, building, and overall impact of the Gateway Greening Urban Farm. The Gateway Greening Urban Farm (formerly known as City Seeds) started out as most things do – as a “what if?” floating around the organization back in 1998. For a nonprofit dedicated to addressing food security issues through the […]

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Support Dig It STL this Giving Tuesday! (2016)

This Giving Tuesday we’re raising $5,000 to support Dig It STL! 2016 saw such demand for our summer teen employment program, Dig It STL, that we’ve decided to expand it to a year-round program! Now, students can continue to get hands on with diverse urban agriculture and conservation initiatives around the city throughout the school […]

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Summer Maintenance in the School Garden

It’s a tough reality that the most active growing period in the garden coincides with summer break – when teachers and students are gone. It can be challenging to keep crops thriving without a dedicated caretaker to weed and water through the hottest days of summer. So how do successful school garden programs keep their […]

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Celebrate National Farm to School Month in October

October is National Farm to School Month, a time to celebrate connections happening all over the country between schools and local food! Farm to school enriches the connection communities have with fresh, healthy food and local food producers by changing food purchasing and education practices at schools and early care and education settings. Students gain […]

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Meet the Central Reform Congregation Community Garden

Growing Community at Central Reform Congregation Community Garden, and Beyond Welcome to Central Reform Congregation Community Garden One of the fundamental goals of the Central Reform Congregation (CRC) is to strengthen the bonds of our community through communication and participation, while continuing our work of Tikkun Olam — the repair of the world. Our landscape […]

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Volunteer Impact in STL

Thanks to our Volunteers! We’ve had a successful summer! Summer is nearly over, but that’s okay because it has been a successful one thanks to all of our generous volunteers! As of August 13th, we’ve had the pleasure of working with 2582 group volunteers and 152 individual volunteers in 2016. That makes a total of […]

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Reflecting on Rigor – Dig It STL

Dig It teens are on the home stretch, with only 1 week to go before their summer jobs are over. They have done some HARD physical work, jobs that would make adults cringe and retreat into air conditioning. Last week, we harvested 6 rows of potatoes at La Vista Farm in Godfrey (in addition to […]

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Meet the Fountain Park Community Garden

From Trash to Treasure From trash to treasure; that is what I would call our garden. We say that because our garden is not in the typical place where one would normally find a garden; it’s smack dab in the middle of the inner-city. In an area that is known for its crime but nevertheless […]

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