Tips & Tricks
Need some additional guidance while expanding your green thumb? No worries, Seed St. Louis has a library of educational resources to support your gardening adventures. Explore our variety of Tips & Tricks below!
Need some additional guidance while expanding your green thumb? No worries, Seed St. Louis has a library of educational resources to support your gardening adventures. Explore our variety of Tips & Tricks below!
This is blog two of a three-part series. One of the challenges of growing food in an urban environment is not only finding a space to start a garden, but also clean soil to grow food in. As a result, Gateway Greening is always looking for new ways to make the most of our […]
Read MoreThis blog is part of a three-part series. “I wish I could garden at home but…” One of the most common phrases I hear from volunteers helping in the Demonstration Garden on Saturdays is: “I wish I could garden at home, but I live in an apartment.” On the other hand, we have several older […]
Read MoreThis is the third in a series of articles about the challenges gardeners and farmers have faced while working in an urban area, as well as the solutions they have come up with in the face of these issues. Read the previous posts from the series here and here. A Skeptical Gardener Allison Reed was […]
Read MoreExplore the Demonstration Garden! The Gateway Greening Demonstration Garden is open to the public every Saturday from 9 AM – Noon throughout the growing season. However, free guided tours that explore the garden’s history, existing infrastructure, and current garden experiments are only available to the general public three times a year: Demonstration Garden Tour: […]
Read MoreIf you stopped by the Demonstration Garden this spring, you may have met Myra Rosenthal, a long time Gateway Greening volunteer and Garden Leader of the Garden of Eden at the JCC. Recently, we caught up with Myra to learn more about the Garden of Eden’s unique mission: providing her local food pantry with fresh […]
Read MoreSeed St. Louis hosts over 40 free virtual classes throughout the year. Our staff provides a wide variety of classes for all gardening enthusiasts.
Need some guidance planning your garden? Download a free copy of our Seed St. Louis Planting Calendar to feel confident when you plant and harvest your bounty!