Greening the STL Map Room

This week the Gateway Greening staff found a new way to highlight school & community gardens throughout St. Louis City – by teaming up with the STL Map Room project! STL Map Room is a collaborative project between COCA (Center of Creative Arts) and The Office for Creative Research. On March 3, the partnership took […]

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USDA Awards Grant to Support Green Jobs for St. Louis Teens

USDA Awards Grant to Support Green Jobs for St. Louis Teens Gateway Greening, Missouri Botanical Garden, Saint Louis Public Schools among organizations working together to support teens pursuing degrees and careers in food, agriculture, and natural resources ST LOUIS, Missouri, April 4, 2017 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture awarded a $135,000 two-year grant to […]

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A Semester in Dig It STL Internship Program

  This is the first year that Gateway Greening has offered a high school internship program, in addition to our summer teen employment program. Through the internship, local high school students explore environmental issues, the St. Louis food system, and local urban agriculture projects, all while earning school credit.   Here at Gateway Greening, we’ve […]

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April Showers in School Gardens

It has been a rainy April, but the Clay Elementary second graders are still out in the school garden. Rain often keeps students inside, just as the seeds need to be planted. Instead of stressing about a ruined planting plan, we’ll throw on an extra layer and head outside!   Ecosystem Connections   The second […]

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Farm Manager Rachel Deffenbaugh says Farewell

Gateway Greening Urban Farm Manager Rachel Deffenbaugh, teaching harvesting techniques to City Seeds Therapeutic Job Training ’16 clients. Photo Credit Deer Hart Photography.   Dear Gateway Greening Community,   It has been my sincere pleasure to work with you for the last 6+ years. I started as an AmeriCorps VISTA with Gateway Greening in 2010 […]

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Teacher Spotlight on LaTosha Hayes of Gateway Elementary

  Interview with LaTosha Hayes, 4th grade teacher at Gateway Elementary in St. Louis, MO, about how she personally became involved with the school’s garden.   How long have you been gardening?  This will be my first full year. A few years ago, another group came in and started working with us in the greenhouse […]

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Weather won’t stop us!

What happens when the weather makes it challenging to take class outside and into the school garden? We bring the garden inside to class! Last week Gateway Greening Youth Educator Lucy Herleth, when faced with some of St. Louis’ recent cold and windy weather, brought the garden into the Autistic classroom at Clay Elementary School. […]

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Compost Challenge at Mallinckrodt Academy

Whether you enjoy a good steak or are a vegetarian, the truth is we all rely on healthy soil in which to grow our food (or our cows food). Simply put, we would not be able to eat without soil. Over the last week the fourth graders at Mallinckrodt Academy have been learning about the importance of soil […]

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Volunteers Spring Cleaning School Gardens

Saint Louis Public Schools have spring break next week, so students throughout the district have been tackling big projects in their gardens. Some of the garden projects were simply too big for students to complete during class time. Thanks to a bit of help from some amazing volunteers, the school gardens will be ready for […]

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Gateway Greening Announces Expansion of Lyon Academy at Blow School Garden

St. Louis (28 Nov 2016) – Lyon Academy at Blow School Garden in St. Louis, MO. was expanded on 17 Nov 2016 as a result of an award from Gateway Greening. The garden received 8 picnic tables, 1 garden scale, 1 garden sign and 200’ of water hose. Lyon Academy at Blow School Garden has […]

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